An interesting gbc game for sure but one that is worth looking back at or should it have been magically forgotten like other games? Only way to see is to play the thing
What a weird mini-game compilation
Might do these every so often so the channel isn't as empty sometimes (and yes I really had nothing else to do but play Among Us with friends for a bit so fuck it!)
Totally legit! No foolin'! Yokai watch is a pokemon ripoff and this video explains why! ... April fools Mavericks (character designer for SIlver Moon) Twitter and channel / @wolfan20 Tom (owner of Fizz the soda can) Twitter and channel / @tom-zf8yw
I want to say that around this video, i started to understand what I sort of wanted. It still needed more ironing but this was a step in the right direction. The game is "Rythym Thief and the long title" a game a friend in high school introduced me to and it was interested and kind of surprised about how "rare" it was. Still it was fun and while the woman in the thumbnail wasn't included, I wouldn't mind redoing this video and adding her in.
My god does this look shit. One of my earlier videos when I was still trying to figure out what I was supposed to do. Ill be honest, I detest some of my early work, to the point I have actually been redoing them. And cuphead is the first one i did so it was the first one to get redoed, (redone version coming later) . This was also around the time i sort of did rather "interesting" thumbnails to make sure my videos weren't flagged as for kids, They were going to be normal ones but to not risk
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